For demonstrating that it is possible to start a new restaurant in Birch Bay: Mike and Susan Gillern of Dee's Country Diner – “Dee” is what the kids called their dad. They started out offering breakfast and lunch, now they're open for dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings until 9 o'clock.
For maintaining Birch Bay's biggest draw: Ian Buchanan, manager of the Water Slides. Moreover, he's bringing the new owners into the community. They sponsored this year's Polar Bear Plunge.
For persistance, blended with patience, in keeping the Park & Rec District alive: Ted Morris, the president, and other commissioners, Jeff Carrington, Katy Montfort, Doug Robertson and Rich Stargell, spent their tax money prudently and are still in operation despite losing two levy votes. Now they are getting ready to try again. An open house where activities being offered will be show-cased Saturday, the 28th, starting at 10:30. Included is horse basketball in three age categories. Location is the Birch Bay Activity Center, the renovated gym in Bay Horizon Park.
Ted faces double pressure. As manager of Birch Bay and Peace Arch State Parks he must make do with a drastically reduced budget. The community is fortunate to have this solid citizen who combines concern and competence.
For keeping a somewhat nebulus program with slow results in front of the public: Ingrid Inschede, the County's outreach manager of BBWARM, the Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resources Management district.
For proving a steady hand in keeping the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce on track: John Gargett, the president who instituted a program to gain sponsors for a series of events that attract visitors – The Ring of Fire & Hope, the Polar Bear Plunge, the Sandcastle Contest and Discovery Days Arts and Crafts Festival with the parade and Ducky Derby.
For improving both the facility and the reputation of Birch Bay's and Whatcom County's best low-cost lodging, Ken Lord, manager of the Hostel and Guest House in Bay Horizon Park.
For moving a small business to a big building – previously housing indoor golf, then an exercise club – and creating a low-cost source of valuable clothing and household appliances: Susan Fisher of Birch Bay Consignment and Thrift. (Ruth's winter outfit is built around a red sweater-coat for which she paid $7; last week we bought a CD player for $20.)
For tireless devotion to the needs of the community: Kathy Berg, Chair of the Birch Bay Steering Committee who operates a government in waiting. Highly visible for the e-mail reports of information important to citizens, she also works quietly behind the scenes. Recently, she has been doing this work with the help of Doralee Booth, her vice chair. Now she has formed The Waterfront Group at Birch Bay with six members to achieve the long-held dream of shoreline restoration with a berm. Permanent restrooms are included. Members of the group are Sunny Brown, Katy Montfort. Ted Morris and Brian Southwick in addition to Berg and Booth.
Considering this list of awardees, Birch Bay is a more together place than many realize.