In politics that is. We have the on-going battle over the plan to build a bulk carrier terminal at Cherry Point to ship coal that will come by rail from the Powder River Basin in Colorado and Wyoming to China. While the forces of SSA Marine are well funded for lobbying and advertising – “every obvious effort to sell creates its own resistance” – the opposition led by Bob Ferris of ReSources is demonstrating grass-roots strength.
One possibility is that to please Bellingham voters who don't like the idea of 14 more long trains a day holding up traffic, the coal trains would be routed to Custer. But that wouldn't be good for Birch Bay residents. Expect that an information meeting for local residents will be held in August.
Part of the battle will be fought in Whatcom County Council. In the August primary four candidates are up for County Executive and two candidates for each of four Council seats. An opportunity to hear where each stands on coal trains and other issues comes on July 19 when the Bellingham Tea Party – yes, those people – will hold a forum. Expected to attend are County Executive candidates Tom Anderson, Doug Ericksen, Jack Louws and David Stalheim,. For County Council County Tony Larson and Pete Kremen, District 1; Sam Crawford and Chirstina Maginnis, District 2; and Alan Black and Barbara Brenner, District 3. The forum will be held in Syre Auditorium at Whatcom Community College,
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for a meet-and-greet time prior to the 6:30 p.m. start of the two-hour event. We understand questions will be limited to 15 seconds.
As we've done in the past we're forming questions to ask each candidate. Tell us what you'd like to know from each about coal trains and other issues.Candidates' answers will be posted verbatim.