After all the lousy weather during the winter and spring we got some wonderful weather for the weekend. Saturday, Canada Day was OK, Sunday and Monday were “picture perfect.”
The big event for Birch Bay was the Two Buck Duck race Sunday. This was a trial run for the Really Big Event that will be held on July 17, the Sunday of Discovery Days. Then 200 ducks are offered at five bucks each.
Before the race started I talked to my duck, Morrison, who was more interested in the other ducks than my winning wishes.
The co-chairs, Brian Southwick and Mike Kent, planned, organized, and executed this event superlatively. Other members of BBCC who served were Tony Dolk, the starter who dumped the competitor ducks into Terrell Creek from the Bay Rim Condos Bridge, Ruth Higgins who plucked the winners from the water at the the finish line and Nancy Stull kept tallied the winners.
Mike Kent, calling the race, created Network TV excitement for people on the bank. In addition to organizing every detail, Brian Southwick was the East Bank duck spotter who pushed stray ducks back into the stream. I was “spotter down” on West Bank where, fortunately, there weren't as many stragglers.
The big winner was Andronetta Douglass of Birch Bay when two of her three ducks finished first and second – her $6 investment returned $40 in gift certificates to CJs BeachHouse and the Bay Cafe. Can anyone do that well in the Casinos?
Third place went to Lisa Sprague (not present at the finish) who will receive a $10 gift certificate to the Bay Cafe.
Thanks to Bob Fraser for the “spotter down” photo. He is a Canadian who enjoys his place in Leisure Park.