Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stiffed by the Commissioners

From: Al Krause [mailto:birchbayblog@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:04 PM
To: car301@aol.com
Cc: info@nwfrs.net
Subject: Question about Facilities Plan
Dear Commissioner Dean Whitney - Here is the question I raised at your meeting Thursday evening. Your plan states that the district needs two stations. Are these replacements or additions? For example, the Lynden station is within the city limits and you do not cover the city; I have been told the Semiahmoo station is inefficient and should be replaced by a station near Birch Bay Village. Are any of the rural stations redundant?

As mentioned, we will not report on this question in our blog (birchbayblog.blogspot.com) until we have your response.

Cordially. - al krause 371-5312

From: car301@aol.com
To: birchbayblog@hotmail.com
CC: bhinchey@comcast.net; hawleyfarms@verizon.net; Psalterspad@aol.com; rich@bostec.com; tfields@nwfrs.net
Subject: RE: Question about Facilities Plan
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 21:32:40 -0700

Al Krause,
Thanks for E-mailing your questions. I will forward them to the other commissioners and Chief Fields. The Board will considered [sic]and answer before the plan is finalized and formally adopted.

Dean Whitney, Vice Chair

RE: Question about Facilities Plan
From: Al Krause (birchbayblog@hotmail.com)
Sent: Mon 7/20/09 9:45 AM
To: car301@aol.com

Dear Mr. Dean Whitney -- Thank you for your fast response. However, your wording indicates the commissioners will wait until the end of the process to respond. Our intent is to foster voter interest in advance of the August meetings. Accordingly, we will report this question about additional stations tomorrow and follow with other questions this week and next.

Yours truly. - al krause

“...The press always has to dig and delve for what it can find. Its only purpose is to share that information with the American people. In this democracy of ours, we should be on guard that we are not denied the facts about what the government is doing in our name. That is the basis of a democracy and particularly one that proclaims freedom of speech and press. We can not let a veil of secrecy be pulled around the official government...

From an unpublished interview with Walter Cronkite in 2002
by Reese Erlich, an NPR producer, posted on Truthdig, July 20, 2009.

Read the draft Capital Facilities Plan at http://www.nwfrs.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=230&Itemid=39.
