Friday, April 9, 2010

Might a Tea Party Member Vote for Richard May?

A reader reported that Richard May's Master's Blend restaurant in Everson was giving out “We the People” signs. The reader, who wanted to vote for Dennis Kucinich for President, suggested that displaying these Tea Party signs would be disloyal to May's principles.

Disloyal to what May stands for or what she wants May to stand for?

The reality of politics in Whatcom County – as well as much of the U.S. – is that what May stands for is insignificant if he doesn't get elected. And to get elected he will most likely need to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters, including some who have Tea Party signs in front of their homes.

In discussing Tea Party people with Matt Lauer last week, President Obama said, “Some have the same mainstream legitimate concerns.” In “listening” to voters, including Tea Party members, we expect May will find legitimate concerns that he can endorse and argue for in the Legislature.

In a call to the restaurant last week, we learned, “Yes, we have a few signs left.”


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