Sunday, June 28, 2009

An Easy Way to Make a Big Difference

With a single click, you can provide some woman with a free mammogram – really. This is a genuine opportunity to do good work with ease., “The definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation,” says,
“Let this be your good deed for today … it only takes a second. Go to the site below. All you do is click a button and a woman gets a free mammogram at no cost to you. It is paid for by corporate sponsors (who gain advertising in the process because you see their logo). All you do is go to the site and click the free button. It takes one second. However, you are only allowed one donation, so please pass the word.”

While it is true, as snopes says, that you are only allowed one donation, that is one a day. Post a reminder to click every day, for mammograms and other causes. Options on the site allow you to combat hunger and/or support child health, literacy, the rainforest and animal rescue.

Added 7/3/09 - Forgot to say, you can get a daily reminder sent to your email - it sure helps to be able to click that link and start contributing.
